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Electrical Inspection

Do you feel as if something is amiss with your electrical system or equipment? Or are you already sure that there's something wrong, but you don't know what it is, and much less, how to fix it? If your answer to either of these questions is “yes”, then you can stand to benefit from Electrician New York's thorough electrical inspection.

Our electrical inspectors have the knowledge and experience to provide you with a high-quality assessment of all your electrical paraphernalia. Ceiling fans, light fixtures, wall switches, receptacles, smoke detectors, circuit breakers, fuse boxes, and even individual fuses only make up a small sample of the electrical equipment we can examine.

Regardless of the equipment you want inspected, you can count on our able inspectors to find every problem and offer each one a quick and affordable solution. You can also trust that each of our inspectors has a valid electrical license and respects the national electric code. These guarantee that no harm will come to your electrical system and equipment during the inspection process.

Get in touch with us to schedule a home inspection or to learn more about our electrician services.

482 east 74th St. #1A New-York, N.Y. 10021